Highton Senior Citizens Club | 84 Barrabool Road Highton VIC 3216 Ph: 03 5244 2258 |
HIGHTON SENIOR 2024 NEWSLETTER2024--25 HIGHTON SENIORS COMMITTEE CENTRAL MANAGEMENT President Margaret Tan Vice President Julie Benallack Secretary/ Treasurer Sandy Beath Minute Secretary Bev Smith Providore Vivien Hughes Activity Representatives: Bingo Vivien Hughes Bowls Beryl Kristinof Chinese Choir Simon Liu Chinese Games Teng Luo Line Dancing Mila Hider Mahjong Sandra Drummond Table Tennis Allan Holmes Tai Chi Lazlo Maintenance Wayne Quamil CLUB MEMBERSHIP Renewal is due July 1st. 2024-25 $15 - Complete the Renewal Membership form with your up to date information including emergency contact number and hand to a committee member or place under the office door. WINTER WARMERS Never Fail Scone Recipe Break 1 egg into a cup of thick cream .Mix with fork. Sift 2 cups of SR flour and 1/2 teaspoon of salt into a bowl. Mix flour and egg mixture lightly to a dough. Cut out scones and place on a greased tray. Cook in 210 degree oven for 10 minutes. (1 cup of chopped dates and 1 tablespoon of sugar can be added) Easy Quiche Mix together 1 cup bacon, 1 cup grated cheese, 1 cup milk,1 cup chopped onion, chopped parsley, 3 lightly beaten eggs, 1/2 cup SR flour, salt and pepper to taste. Pour into a greased dish. bake in moderate oven for 25 mins. FEELING the COLD ?? Use a single sock filled with rice to make a heatbag.Tie a knot in the end and heat in microwave for 2 minutes. Know the F.A.S.T. Signs of Stroke Face-- Check their face.Has their mouth drooped ? Arms-- Can they lift both arms ? Speech-- Is their speech slurred ? Do they understand you ? Time-- Is critical. If you see any of these signs call 000 straight away. Keep Looking This years theme is "keep looking at your mate " and you could save someone's life. Club Activity Reports Line Dancing : Monday, Tuesday, Friday mornings. Monday is a very popular day with many more participants compared to Tuesday and Friday. If you are interested in learning to Line Dance the club has Monday and Tuesday sessions. Contact the club for more information. Cost $5.00 per session Tai Chi: Classes are held on Monday and Thursday from 1.30-3.00pm both days.These classes are powering along and Lazslo and his beginner group are enjoying the challenges. Carpet Bowls: Sessions are held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 1.15-3.15pm. Come along and join in the fun. Bingo: Friday 1.00pm -3.00pm. 1 book $2.00, 6 books $12.00. Raffle tickets $1.00 for 3, door prizes available. Many great items to choose from for the winners. Table Tennis: Thursday 9.30am -12.00 also first and third Saturday Mah Jong: The Mah Jong group meet each Tuesday and Wednesday. Approximately 15 members attend over the two days and have some fun and a most enjoyable time. Cards: Every Wednesday about 6 people meet to enjoy the game "Hand and Foot" which involves 5 packs of cards and lots of adding up at the end of each game --good fun and good for the brain .
Check out the ACTIVITIES PAGE of this website for days, times and any costs for activities at the Centre or pick up a copy of our Schedule of Activities from the foyer at the Centre. Central Management President: Margaret Tan Vice President: Jules Benallack Secretary/Treasurer: Sandy Beath Committee Activity Representatives Carpet Bowls Beryl Kristinof Line Dancing Mila Hider Bingo Sue Jorgensen Table Tennis Allan Holmes Tai Chi Faye Ramsey Mahjong Toni Lennie Chinese Choir Simon Liu Handyman Wayne Quamil Provedore Life Member Vivien Hughes OFFICE HOURS at the Club Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 12noon--3.30pm COVID Rules at the Centre ( Geelong is still not free of Covid PLEASE take care) Do not enter the Centre if you are feeling unwell. Remember to register. Sanitise when entering and before tea/coffee - it is for the safety of every person using the centre. At the end of a session all participants are required to ensure ALL areas touched are cleaned. These requirements are designed to keep our community safe and open. MEMBER BIRTHDAYS: Happy Birthday to all our members born in SeptemberVOLUNTEERSThe Highton Senior Club relies on volunteers for all their activities. We are grateful that the following members have accepted responsibility for organising activities:
Try This In Your Garden First plant five rows of Peas -Prudence- Perseverance -Patience- Promptness-Preparation. Next to these plant three rows of Squash- Squash Gossip- Squash Criticism- Squash Indifference. Then plant four rows of Lettuce- Let us be faithful to duty- Let us be loyal and unselfish- Let us be faithful to our obligations - Let us respect each other. No garden is complete without Turnips- Turn up to meetings- Turn up with a smile- Turn up with determination to make everything count for something good and worthwhile. Slow Down Therapy Remember a happy, peaceful time in your past .Rest there. Each moment has a richness that takes a lifetime to savour.
THINKING BACK You will find that when you look back on life, the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others. The purpose of life is not to be happy but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived.
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